#73# Yuan Zi, the cautious Panda

Date of visit: 25th May 2021
Location: Beauval zoo, France

On the platform, Yuan Zi discovered that there were many bamboo shoots as treats !! His climbing just before was rewarded !! Even though Yuan Zi was feeling full just a couple of minutes before, looking at the bamboo shoots helped him to find an empty space in his stomach.

Bamboo shoots ! My keeper is so amazing !! ♥️
I feel so loved ! 😍😍
These shoots are so tender… 🤤
And look how green they are ! 🤩

The bamboo shoots were looking amazing, indeed ! Yuan Zi suddenly thought that the visitors may ‘borrow’ his meal ! After all, humans sometimes eat bamboo shoots, right ? Yuan Zi possessively protected his lunch.

No, I won’t share them ! They are only for me ! 😤
I know that Yuan Meng already had his shoots… 🐼
So the whole bunch belongs to me ! 😎

Because the bamboo shoots were really tender, he swallowed his whole meal in a flash.

I can eat them effortless ! 😙
Reminds me my childhood ! 🤗
I was such a cutie back then ! 🥰🥰🥰

Actually, Yuan Zi was still a cutie ! His eating pose was very childish and visitors loved it ! They all praised him about his cuteness and noticed that he was leaning against the slide. They immediately asked if he could do a favor and use it !

Huh ? If I know how to use a slide ? 😶
Of course I know ! 😎
I was pretty good at it when I was a kid ! 😛😛😛

Since Yuan Zi spent his first years in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, he had learnt many funny games ! He also learnt how to use the slide, so he agreed for a ride in order to please his visitors ! He was probably the first to use this one !

However, it seemed that goind down the slide was easier in his memories than now, and was a bit reluctant at first.

Soo… you need to lie down like that.. 🤓
It didn’t look that unsafe when I was a cub.. I am scared now ! 😨

Keep it up, Yuan Zi !

Huh Huh.. slowly.. slowly.. 😓😓
Tadaaah !! 😎

Finally Yuan Zi did it ! The visitors were very happy for having attended this special moment ! Once on the ground, Yuan Zi bragged a bit about his achievement (even though he wasn’t that confident 10 seconds ago) !

See ? That wasn’t that hard !! 🤗

The visitors asked then for a second try, but Yuan Zi declined the request. Instead, he decided to take a look on the new little house the keepers built.

Forget it. I prefer to admire my hut ! 🤩
What a great architecture ! 🤓
My keepers did a great work ! 😜
I love having new buildings in my land ! 🥳
It shows how powerful I am in the zoo ! 😎😎😎

The keepers were probably very happy to know how much Yuan Zi was enjoying his new platform !

However, even a new hut in your garden cannot make you forget about bamboo shoots. Yuan Zi couldn’t have said better !

Hum.. These bamboo shoots were so tasty ! 🤤
I have to order ! 🧐

Yuan Zi climbed down the platform and went again on his front rock. He bleated to ask for bamboo shoots, then went for a nap.

Keeper, could you please bring a whole new bunch of bamboo shoots ? 🤗🤗
Serve them as soon as possible ! 😊

When Yuan Zi woke up, he saw that his keeper left a bunch of bamboo. However, how disappointed he was when noticing these were ordinary bamboos !

Ah.. regular bamboo instead of bamboo shoots.. 😔
Still good but.. 🙁

… Yuan Zi wanted bamboo shoots ! Don’t worry Yuan Zi ! The keepers will give you bamboo shoots again !

He tried then to forget about his disappointement by going on a walk. How handsome he was when he was wandering near the waterfall !

I am so glorious ! 😎😎

Yes you are, Yuan Zi !

That’s all for today Folks ! Stay tuned for the next panda post !

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