#74# Huan Huan the pro chilling out Panda !

Date of visit: 25th May 2021
Location: Beauval zoo, France

Like Yuan Zi and Yuan Meng, Huan Huan was also gifted by her keepers with fresh bamboo shoots ! What a good way to celebrate the end of the lockdown !

However, Huan Huan’s eyes were attracted by nothing but the treats pipe !

Look all the treats I’ve got ! 🤩
Gonna stay next to them ! 😌

Huan Huan then ignored the bamboo shoots and chose instead the regular bamboo ! Maybe Huan Huan didn’t see them ?

Oh, I know about bamboo shoots but I want to eat my regular meal first ! 🤗🤗🤗
I always keep the best for the end !! 😎

That’s a good move too ! Huan Huan is a fine foodie, unlike Yuan Zi and Yuan Meng who are big eaters ! Huan Huan is more selective and likes to take her time to enjoy her food.

Anyway, today Huan Huan had treats, bamboo shoots and regular bamboo. What a spoiled panda !

So many meal choices today ! 🤯

Like Yuan Zi, Huan Huan was a bit surprised to see visitors after 7 months of closing. Nevertheless, she didn’t look annoyed at all.

It is weird to see people again.. 😶
I thought that you didn’t want to visit us anymore ! 😒

How can we no longer want to visit the Panda family ? The visitors reassured Huan Huan and tried to explain to him why they had taking so long to come.

I didn’t understand the whole thing, but hey ! You came again ! 🤗
What a special day ! 😁

For sure it was a special day ! Huan Huan had bamboo shoots and visitors !

She decided to resume her bamboo meal.

Chilling all day long is a healthy habit ! 😌😌😌
I am a professional. Trust me. 🤓
I love my panda job ! 🐼♥️

The panda job is about chilling all day long and being cute, of course it was an amazing job ! Huan Huan naturally suited the job~

That’s all for today Folks ! Stay tuned for the next panda post !

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