#75# Yuan Meng (1/3): Discovering the slide !

Date of visit: 26th May 2021
Location: Beauval zoo, France

Today was the day ! For the first time of 2021 (because of the lockdown), it was possible to see Yuan Meng in his outdoor enclosure ! Back then, he was almost 4 years old and had still so much to discover !

Yuan Meng didn’t know yet, but that day was a very special one for him since he would try a slide for the first time of his life !

But right now, Yuan Meng was chewing his bamboo without having any idea about the rest of the events. Also, his head was different than usual. He explained it to the visitors.

My head is all wet ! 💦
I wanted to roll but the grass was wet because of the dew ! 🤓
So I have a very stylish wave on my head ! Do you like it ? 😁

Yuan Meng was indeed very very fashionable ! Since he is a young panda, he was still looking for his own style. And having his Mom’s approbation made him very confident !

Mom said I was very cute ! 😍😍😍

Confident Yuan Meng decided then to examine the new building that the keepers had added to the enclosure during the lockdown. Like Yuan Zi, Yuan Meng was very curious and climbed to it. What would be his opinion about it ?

So Dad told me about the new hut.. 🤗
What a beautiful hut ! Very good job ! 👍

Yuan Meng wanted to examine it in more details, but he noticed that his treats were already here ! He went down and started to eat them all.

*crunch crunch crunch*
Did you miss my treats time ? 🤩
It is nice to see you again ! 😙
Did you notice how handsome I am ? 😎😎😎

The visitors already noticed about his handsomeness ! During the lockdown, he went more and more beautiful (is it possible to overcome perfection ? Yuan Meng could easily answer !). Of course, it is useless to mention that Yuan Meng’s self-confidence had grown over time.

I will be so popular with panda girls ! Hehe 😍😎

The Chengdu Panda base is not ready to welcome Yuan Meng’s handsomeness !! Thanksfully, he is still in France !

After his snack, Yuan Meng went back to his favourite platform, the one where he often nap. Since the keepers had added new arrangements, Yuan Meng was very happy to do a test !

This is my favourite platform ! ♥️
This is a good platform to roll ! 🤸🤸🤸

The visitors were pleased to see Yuan Meng roll in his back, but they actually wanted to see him on his slide ! Pandas using a slide are always very cute and entertaining, right ?

Yuan Zi already used the slide the day before, was it Yuan Meng’s turn now ?

Yes, Dad told me about the slide ! 😁
Should we take a closer look ? 👀

Yuan Meng went until his slide and started to examine it. He didn’t know how to use it nor what he was supposed to do, so he decided to climb it !

You guys all did the same when you were a kid, right ? Going up the slide upside down~ It was a hard thing to do, especially since it was easy to slip if you were not careful enough !

Since Yuan Meng never experienced the slide, he couldn’t know so he decided anyway to climb. Good luck, Yuan Meng !

I don’t really know how it works. This is my first time.. 😵
Climbing is very hard ! Why did they design it this way ? 😤
Oopsie !! 🤕
So embarrassing ! I fell in front of my fans ! 😰
Urh… Now I am stuck.. 😑
This is getting annoying.. 😖
I’m giving up !! Goodbye slide ! 😒

It seemed that Yuan Meng didn’t enjoy his slide ! To his opinion that wasn’t a very funny game and he didn’t understand why the visitors were so hyped about ! Plus he was still very embarrassed about his slippery foot !

Yuan Meng then discovered a poop ! His scientist mind started to work !

Huh ? A poop ? 💩
This is mine ! I ate bamboo ! 🤓

Yuan Meng is so smart ! It seemed that he was able to conduct an analyse on the poop and deduct about its composition !

But Yuan Meng not only trains his brain, but also his body ! Time to exercise !

I want to do sports today ! 🏃
Stretching all my muscles ! 🧘‍♀️
Let’s go ! 🤠

Today Yuan Meng wanted to practice his running skills ! He is a very fast runner and, like panda cubs, likes to run like a horse or a rabbit. How elegant he is !

Faster than a horse !! 🐴
I am an incredible runner ! And so good at rolling ! 😎

The visitors could barely follow him since he was incredibly fast ! After his 100 meters training, he tried to climb on his platform but almost fell ! Running was easier than climbing today !

Almost missed the platform ! 😓

Yuan Meng returned to his favourite platform. From there, he could catch a sight of Huan Huan, who lived in the next enclosure ! Do you think he still recognizes her ? Anyway, he assumed it was the right time for a nap !

Hi Mom ! ❤️
Knowing that Mom is so close, I can nap in peace ! 🥰
All that sport time was very exhausting ! 🥱
I can’t sleep though.. 😞
I still think about my failure on the slide.. 😢
Dad told me it was very easy to use, so how.. ? 🤔🤔🤔

As you probably noticed it, Yuan Meng is a very smart panda who uses his brain a lot ! He started to think about the best way to use the slide (remember that he never used one before !). Eventually, he went up with a brilliant idea !

What if I use the slide from the other side ? 🤓

The best way to prove a theory is to experience it for real, right ? Yuan Meng got up on his paws and was ready to try the slide.. from the top !

Wow ! So high ! Feeling excited ! 😜😜😜

Before setting off, some adjustments to made:

Head or butt first ? 🤔
Head first ! Let’s go ! 🥳
This is a bit scary.. 😱😱😱
Butt first is safer ! 😇😇

Yuan Meng did it !!!!! On his very first day !!!! The visitors were all impressed and Yuan Meng was so proud of himself !!

Yay ! I did it ! 🥳🥳🥳
I uncovered all your secrets, slide ! 😎
So proud of me ! 😁😁😁
I now love my platform/slide even more ! 😍😍😍

Congratulations Yuan Meng !!! You are so awesome !!

That’s all for today Folks ! Stay tuned for the next Panda post !

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