[TUTO] How to differentiate Huan Li Li from Yuan Du Du !

Note: the pictures of the twins are mostly from August 2022, when they were 1 year old. I will update the page along with their physical changes !

In order to help you to differentiate both twins, I will describe the easiest ways to tell them apart, from the most obvious to the less !

First, a little reminder ! Huan Li Li (欢黎黎) was formerly nicknamed Fleur de Coton (Cotton Flower in french), while Yuan Du Du (园嘟嘟)’s former nickname was Petite Neige (Little Snow).

Another note : both twins are more easily distinguishable in real life ! Pictures can be tricky, especially if edited (that may be the case with some Beauval promotional pics).

1 – Look at the nose !

When they were 4 months old : the most reliable way to tell them apart is by looking at their nose: Yuan Du Du has black shades on her nose, whereas Huan Li Li has not. You can easily notice it below: Huan Li Li is on the left, while Yuan Du Du is on the right !

Cr: Beauval zoo

Look again at the picture ! I don’t know if it is because of their eye patches or something, but I also feel like Huan Li Li’s nose is longer than Yuan Du Du’s. This makes Yuan Du Du’s face looking smaller than Huan Li Li’s !


What about now (1 year old and older) ? That’s very easy ! See below :

1-1 Front view

Yuan Du Du has a little black bar across her nose and her face still looks smaller than Huan Li Li. That’s easily noticeable !

Left : Yuan Du Du // Right : Huan Li Li

1-2 – Side view

Yuan Du Du has a concave nose compared to Huan Li Li’s, which is straight. Compare the pictures below !

Left : Yuan Du Du // Right : Huan Li Li

2 – Look at the tail !

If the twins are showing their back, another easy way to tell them apart is to look at their tail: Yuan Du Du has a black spot on the tail, while Huan Li Li’s is way smaller (not to say non-existent) !

Left: Yuan Du Du // Right: Huan Li Li

3 – Look at the fur ! (no longer usable)

Okay, this one only works when they were younger (until 4-5 months old), but keep it on lind when looking at older pictures ! I noticed it when I visited them on December 2021 and figured out that it may be helpful !

Instead of being black and white, Huan Li Li had a black and pale pink fur. Yuan Du Du had the regular black and white panda fur. It was not as obvious as for Yuan Meng when he was a cub, but it was still noticeable, especially in real life.

On the picture below, Huan Li Li is on the top, while Yuan Du Du is behind, on the bottom. The difference color helps a lot !

Comparing with their parents !

I feel like Yuan Du Du looks like a lot her father Yuan Zi when he was younger. It is more of a feeling than anything else, but I feel like Yuan Du Du has the ‘serious gaze’ like Yuan Zi (and Yuan Meng). I couldn’t tell why I am thinking this way, but I noticed this during the whole day spent in front of the twins. The shape of their heads looks similar too.

Yuan Du Du
Yuan Zi when he was a cub

On the other hand, Huan Li Li looks like more to Huan Huan: I feel she has the same sparkles in the eyes as Huan Huan, and the shape of her head also looks like more to Huan Huan’s !

Huan Li Li
Huan Huan

In short..

Huan Li Li

  • Looks like Huan Huan
  • No shades on the nose
  • Longer nose
  • Wider face
  • White tail (almost no patch)
  • Pale pink fur

Yuan Du Du

  • Looks like Yuan Zi/Yuan Meng
  • Black line on the nose
  • Shorter and concave nose
  • Smaller face
  • Black patch on the tail
  • White fur

Hope it helped !